Top US Employers of Graduating Actuaries
Due to the fact that Actuary is among the top-rated jobs in the US in terms of the financial compensation, the popularity of this job among the people has increased manifold. The unemployment rate of people looking for actuarial careers is almost nonexistent and the placement rate of graduates of actuary degrees is really high from amongst all the other degrees that universities offer at the graduate and undergraduate level.
Why should one graduate in Actuarial Science?
Getting an actuarial science degree is one of the wisest things you can do in this economy. This is because while there is joblessness in many other industries, the actuary job industry is still booming and still paying really good compensation. Considering that one of the purposes served by a graduate degree is to make career prospects better and to land in an excellent company that offers amazing career prospects of the future. According to a research survey done, it is now a known fact that the job of an actuary is one of the highest paid because this career is among the top favorites of people all over the country. When you get a degree in actuarial science, it increases your potential and skills manifold and take your employability up a notch, hence keeping you in a position where you can negotiate the terms of your employment in an organization.
Who are among the top employers in the US for hiring graduating actuaries?
The graduates of actuarial sciences are high in demand because the actuarial consulting firms and other actuarial companies are always looking for more experts who are highly talented. The larger the firm is the more the opportunities are for the new graduates to grow and learn more. Some of the top US actuarial firms that have a large customer base and many positions to fill are the ones who are among the top employers of graduating actuaries.
One of the top employers in the US for graduating actuaries is Towers Watson, which is the top firm for offering financial services. This firm is always on the lookout for those graduates who would advise the clients more than just about the numbers and also guide them through the processes and financial decisions. For actuary careers, another actuary consulting firm is Watson Wyatt, which offers worldwide financial consulting services and performs large-scale work for big clients like governments and public as well as private firms. This firm is also popular for its large-scale financial consulting services. Some of the other top companies that hire graduating actuaries include Mercer and Buck. New York Life is another insurance company that hires fresh graduates on a regular basis.
How to be noticeable to the potential employers?
Your getting hired as a graduate depends upon many factors. Considering you have been part of actuarial science degree programs, this alone is not enough to land a job. If you want to increase you appeal as a potential candidate, you should try to give at least one actuary exam and pass it so you have some professional level started.