Actuarial Internship Program at Berkley Med
About Berkley Med
Berkley Med is a health care insurance provider and a member organization of W.R. Berkley Corporation which was established in 1967. Berkley Med offers lead excess and reinsurance policies to different healthcare organizations. Lead excess policies are issued on Admiral Insurance Company paper and reinsurance policies on Berkley Insurance company paper. Both these companies are member organizations of W.R. Berkley Corporation. Berkley Med offers risk mitigation services and risk financing alternatives to its healthcare clients.
Actuarial Internship Program
The Berkley Med Actuarial Internship Program helps you start your career even before you graduate. It offers an inspirational experience not only to the interns but also to actuarial staff. The work and contribution of interns to the business are considered and valued. The internship structure comprises of three different grade levels. They are:
- Actuarial Intern 1
- Actuarial Intern 2
- Actuarial Intern 3
A new joining intern would be at level 3 and considering his abilities, activities and performance, he would be promoted to higher levels. Promotions include additional mentorship responsibilities and chance to take part in SQL, VBA and SAS projects.
To qualify for Berkley Med Actuarial Internship,
- You need to be dedicated, reliable and having good work ethic.
- You should have basic Excel skills and interest to learn Visual Basic and SQL.
- You should be able to work alone and also under the control of experienced actuaries.
- You should be ready to study new skills and find methods to relate those skills to help Berkley Med team realize their targets and objectives.
- You should be eager and desirous to be part of an extremely inspired and pioneering team that strives to become a leader in the excess medical malpractice sector.
As an actuarial intern at Berkley Med, you get the great chance to start your career even before you complete your degree. You will have opportunities to combine theory and practice by attending Berkley Med Actuarial Internship program. In other words, you can combine proper academic training and hands on practice together to have deeper and broader knowledge on actuarial science. You will become a valuable member of Berkley Med team and essential part of business’s actuarial processes. You’ll start your actuarial career as Actuarial Intern 3 and promoted to Actuarial Intern 2 and then Actuarial Intern 1 considering your abilities and performance during internship program. Higher grade actuarial intern has more responsibilities and opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
You’ll get numerous learning opportunities which would help you become a successful actuary. You get the feel of being an actuary in the property-casualty line of business. You could interact with different sub sectors within insurance organization. You understand how medical malpractice data is captured, calculated and implemented in the pricing model of the organization. You also learn how to use different applications such as Visual Basic, SQL and Microsoft Excel to capture and scrutinize real time insurance data.
Altogether, Berkley Med is one of the best organizations for those who wish to start their actuarial career in health care insurance industry involved in property-casualty line of business.